News — 47When

50 People Are Sharing The Most Wholesome Things They Have Seen

10When 11My 12I 13In 14Nobody 15My 16Didn 17I 18It 19I 1I 20I 21Working 22I 23I 24A 25I 26At 27I 28I 29One 2My 30I 31My 32I 33I 34My 35I 36I 37One 38I 39I 3When 40A 41I 42I 43my 44We 45One 46At 47When 48At 49Yesterday 4I 50I 51My 52Every 53Was 54When 55My 56I 57this 58A 59 5When 60There 61When 62I 63I 64Seeing 65There 66My 67In 68My 69There 6A 70I 71A 72I 73I 74Anything 75My 76My 77There 78I 79One 7My 80My 81My 82Seeing 83My 84Wasn 85My 86I 87It 88When 89So 8A 9One

50 People Are Sharing The Most Wholesome Things They Have Seen

Let’s face it, the world has been going everywhere but according to plan recently. At this point, we are running short on good news and positive vibes. And there’s an entire cold season looking right at us that we have no option but to survive through. So this time, we are here with pure liquid gold for our souls to tuck us in like a soft blanket and fill us with good emotions only. And it's all thanks to one Reddit user who posed the much-needed question “What is the most wholesome thing you have seen?” on this thread. 41.5k...

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